2. ‘He can’t do it. Yes he can!’
By now, you’ve seen this one. Harold Reynolds is running from first on the pitch and the ball is laced into the left field corner. Reynolds thinks he’s going to score. With ease (he later admitted being stunned he was being signaled to slide). We’ll let the TV commentators take over from here:
“It’s going to be up to Bo Jackson to stop Reynolds from scoring. He can’t do it. Yes he can! I don’t believe it! He made an absolutely perfect throw. It looked like there was no way he was going to get him. …”
“He didn’t even try to hit a cutoff man. He must have thrown this ball over his cutoff man’s head by 20 feet. He just turned and launched.”
Because everyone in the stadium — including the umpires — didn’t expect there to be a play at the plate, Seattle argued the call. The announcers pointed out the fact that all the umpires were out of position, then concluded:
“I think they had him though, don’t you?”
“I think they had him, too.”
Auburn fans call that Bo being Bo.