Auburn football: Departing beat writer has perfect Bryan Harsin Hat-gate joke
After all of the venoms spewed on the bird app (Twitter) in recent days, it was nice to see a former team beat writer make light of the silliness the Auburn football world has been wrapped up in recently.
Josh Vitale, who was formerly of the Montgomery Advertiser, shared a few photos of his apartment after moving all of his stuff out.
The caption was reflective in being sad to leave such a beautiful place to live (can confirm), making a Hate-gate easter egg easy to overlook.
Note what is gracing the countertop:
Genius placement. That was no accident folks.
Auburn football fans and fellow beat reporters were quick to point out the tie-in to the recent happenings of the Tiger fanbase and the coverage of their team in the thread:
Of course, the controversy surrounding Hat-Gate revolves around certain writers from the same publication feeling that Harsin’s move to hand hats out to the press was one in tacky taste considering the job they have to objectively cover the team.
The merits of that could be argued all day–especially considering the presence of what could be considered Alabama fan propaganda on their profiles–but FWE is instead going to offer kudos for the subtle nod to the recent viral hat chaos, and good luck to Josh Vitale, who was a valuable source for our own coverage of Auburn football.