Auburn football fans don’t like when non-football things–especially when they lean towards the political spectrum–make their way into the newswire.
So, needless to say, when a head coach (a first-year HC at that) is judged by how he is handling a global pandemic and not by the progress of his players…Tiger fans pounce.
What has been a much-discussed topic has gone nuclear this weekend with Bryan Harsin testing positive for COVID-19. In the wake of his positive test, Harsin is quarantining and having Jeff Schmedding handle in-person coaching duties.’s Joseph Goodman dropped the hammer on Harsin for a supposed lack of leadership following a neutral stance on the COVID-19 vaccines:
"This is how an “Auburn Man” takes care of the family? Nah. Harsin’s mismanagement of Auburn football is infuriating, but his stubborn neglect for the safety of people he is paid to shepherd into adulthood is unacceptable."
And in turn, fans prepared their own jabs, with a mix of sarcasm among the vitriol:
Did you wear an Auburn hat while you cooled down?
— Ryan V Key (@RyanVKey1982) August 22, 2021
Sometimes I really can't tell how much of your content is proactive trolling and how much is senseless clickbait.
— Clay Grisetti (@ClayGrizzly) August 22, 2021
You could have just said “ Roll Tide”
— Mark D. Mayo (@Markmayo1234) August 22, 2021
Goodman would go on to say that Harsin’s tenure is already worse than Gus Malzahn’s, comparing Malzahn’s inability to consistently win with the current tea of the Auburn football world.
Unfortunately, this is a serious topic that is now getting a “boy who cried wolf” vibe because of the hoopla surrounding #HatGate last week. Fly War Eagle encourages everyone to speak to a medical professional and seek vaccination if it is safe.
I also personally encourage some on press row to take a backseat and stop making themselves the story.